The 3 way use Vintage Skirt (From Skirt To Dress)

March 04, 2012

Recently i paid a visit to my favorite Thrift Store. It's not really far from our house so typically i am always aware if they are on sale.

I saw this vintage skirt and i totally fell in love with it because # 1 it denotes the 1950's fad # 2 the color is vivacious and # 3 I Love Polka Dots in fact majority of my clothes are polka dots design. (I'll blog soon about my polka dot craze so watch for it)

#1 Wear it as a Skirt

# 2 Wear it as a dress with inner top

#3 wear it as a tube dress

So there you have it. The next time you saw a long skirt think of ways on how u use it. it only takes a little imagination.. Till next post =)

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3 Sweet Thoughts

  1. Great blog dear! You always have a great style! <3

  2. Thank you Lizzie =) i really appreciate your comment.. =)

  3. Love how you can wear the dress in a few different ways. Its nice to have versatile items!
